License Agreement
As you review this license agreement, you will find there is flexibility in using the products to meet your specifi needs. The forms, templates and databases are customizable. What the license agreement clearly addresses is that these resources may not be resold or given to other parties.Simply stated, developers on a global basis have invested significant time and effort into the creation of the resources and their rights need to be protected. grants of permission to use this product is conditional upon you agreeing to the terms set out below. Acceptance will bind you and all users of these products.
You will find this license agreement to be flexible and we request your honesty and integrity as you use these products.
Types of License
- Single-user: This individual license allows a user to install programs on any system assigned to them, i.e., desktop, laptop or mobile computing device. For example: Susan J. Consultant conducts project evaluations and installs LEAD (Lessons Enabled Access Database) on her desktop and laptop. She consults to different types of businesses and utilizes the database on multiple computers she personally owns.
- Multi-user: This flexible and dynamic license allows users within the same organization (company, business, association, corporation, agency, institution, etc.) to install programs on systems assigned to them. For example, Company XYZ has offices in New York, London and Tokyo. They have WILLIS (Well Indexed Lessons Learned Information System) installed as an internal web-based, customer premises solution. They have chosen this option over the service bureau option (also available). Because they have internal expertise to manage lessons learned information, then are able to capture lessons learned and them import into MS Excel Spreadsheets and/or MS Access databases.
Licensed Products
- This involves resources obtained from, it includes but is not limited to: Project Evaluation Templates (PERK) created primarily in MS PowerPoint and MS Word, lessons learned capture form (web-based or customer premises options) created in HTM (HTML), using JavaScript for Adobe Flash, lessons learned databases created in MS Access, lessons learned data sheets created in MS Excel and LL templates created in other programs such as MS Visio and MS Project.
- Grant of License: You are granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable right to use the "Licensed Products" strictly in accordance with the terms set out in this License. You are also granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable right and license to use the trade name "" on the Licensed Products.
Creating Derivative Works
- You may create works that are based on or include parts of the templates included within the Licensed Products ("Templates"). These works are "Derivative Works".
- If you wish to create a Derivative Work, copyright notices must remain on the original templates, forms and interfaces. In the footer of the form a modification note may be placed so that you receive credit or give notice for any enhancements.
- You acknowledge and agree that owns all "Intellectual Property Rights" in the Derivative Works, but excluding that part of the Derivative Works that did not form part of or was derived from the Licensed Products ("New Content"). You agree to indemnify for any costs, expenses or damages that may be claimed against or incurred by you or your organization in relation to the New Content.
License Conditions - General
- You shall oversee and control the use of the Licensed Products in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
- You may retain duplicates of the Licensed Products for backup purposes provided that the original and copy are kept in your possession and control.
- You agree to limit use of the Licensed Products to the number of devices for which you have purchased licenses (individual, group, site, multi-site or enterprise). The Licensed Product is provided conceptually on a per-device basis. Per device refers to personal computer (laptop or desktop).
- You shall not:
- permit others to modify the Licensed Products or any part of them;
- remove any copyright notices, labels or marks from the Licensed Products;
- use the Brands to represent that you are accredited by, or have any type of affiliation or relationship with, other than as a licensee of the Licensed Products;
- You Shall:
- notify parties to whom you distribute derived works that they must purchase a license to use the Products or if they wish to modify any of the Original Content.
- maintain accurate and complete records of the number and location of the copies of the Licensed Products and supply such records to in the event you or
- your organization has related communication, i.e., in need of support or have questions.
- Using the Licensed Products and Derivative Works You shall not sell, distribute, sub-license, lease, hire out, share use of, rent or transmit ("Transaction") the Licensed Products or Derivative Works in any way.
- You shall not compete with in any way, and / or deprive of revenue.
- Use of the Licensed Products and/or Derivative Works for teaching, consulting or training is possible through the express written consent of
License Fees
Bootleg software - Any attempt by you to use the Licensed Products without payment of the applicable license fees and/or on more devices than you have paid for will be deemed to be a material breach of this License for which may immediately terminate all licenses granted under this License by notice in writing and take steps to recover from you any fees due or compensation payable for such breach, and you shall be liable for all costs (including legal fees) incurred by in taking such steps. For example, the Project Evaluation Resource Kit (PERK) is available free of charge with the new book. The PERK can be installed on a server for one organizataion to access as they please (including modification). However, if a person were to take contents of the PERK, i.e., a number of forms and attempt to resell it or give it to others who have not purchased the book to another company, then this represents a violation of the license agreement. To avoid this from happening, have the company purchase the book (which is inexpensive) and they will receive all of the templates free as well.Limited Warranties
- believes that the Licensed Products are effective for the purpose specified in the marketing material, gives no warranty regarding the outcomes and outputs resulting from your use of the Licensed Products as these outcomes are heavily dependent on the way in which you elect to use the Licensed Products.
- Except as expressly provided otherwise in a written agreement between and you, the licensed products are provided "as is" and, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, disclaims all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, makes no warranty that (i) the licensed products will meet your requirements, (ii) the use of the licensed products will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, error-free or virus free, (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use of the licensed products will be accurate or reliable, (iv) the quality of the licensed products will meet your expectations, and/or (v) any errors in the licensed products will be corrected. For this reason, significant testing has been performed on all products to be compatible with industry standard applications running a wide variety of operating systems and platforms. However, there may be occasion where a user has system problems that is not in a position to diagnose.
- If your state or country law does not uphold this agreement, then any such warranty, guarantee, representation and/or warranty is: (1) hereby limited to the period of either (a) thirty (30) days from the date you acquire the licensed products, or (b) the shortest period allowed by law in the applicable jurisdiction if a thirty (30) day limitation would be unenforceable; and (2) sole liability for any breach of any such warranty, guarantee, representation, and/or condition shall be to supplying you with a new copy of the licensed product, replacing or repairing the licensed product.
- To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, or its developers are not liable to you or any third party for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, those resulting from loss of use of any machine, computer or telephonic device, data or profits, whether or not had been advised of the possibility of such damages, on any theory of liability arising out of or in connection with the use of the licensed products. Some jurisdictions prohibit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy.
- The limitations of damages or liability and the disclaimers of warranties set forth in this agreement are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between and you. You acknowledge and agree that would not be able to provide the licensed products on an economic basis without such limitations and that has set its prices for the license to the licensed products in reliance on such limitations of damages and liability and disclaimers of warranties. You accept full responsibility for maintaining the Licensed Products free from corruption and from viruses.
- You acknowledge that you have exercised your independent judgment in acquiring the Licensed Products and have not relied on any representation made by which has not been stated expressly in this License.
- Term and Termination This License commences upon download or receipt of the Licensed Products and is granted in perpetuity but may be terminated by by notice in writing if you are in material breach of any term of this License. Upon termination you shall:
- destroy all copies of the Licensed Products in your possession or control; and
- destroy all copies of the Derivative Works (excluding the New Content) in your possession and ensure the destruction of Derivative Works (excluding the New Content) held by third parties.
- Termination of this License shall not affect any rights or remedies which may have otherwise under this license or at law. Upgrades and Fixes You agree that any upgrades provided to you by, are deemed to form part of the Licensed Products and are accepted by you subject to the terms set out in this License.
Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights
The Licensed Products and Derivative Works (subject to clause 5), and all copies of them, consist of proprietary information developed by They are and shall remain the exclusive property of and/or its third party licensors, and you shall have no right, title or interest in them, except as expressly set out in this agreement. owns certain rights in connection with the Licensed Products and Derivative Works under copyright law, moral rights law, or similar protections, regardless of whether or not such rights or protections are registered or perfected and regardless of whether such rights accrue to directly or by expressed or implied license (collectively, "Intellectual Property Rights"). You shall have no right, title or interest in Intellectual Property Rights, except as expressly set out in this agreement. All rights not expressly granted to you in this agreement are expressly reserved by
- If any clause or provision of this License shall be held illegal or unenforceable by any judgment of any Court having competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall not affect the remaining provisions of this License which shall remain in full force and effect as if such clause or provision held to be illegal or unenforceable had not been included in this License. Subject to clause 26, if any clause or provision of this License is inconsistent with the provision of any statute, the clause or provision of this License shall be read down to the extent necessary to render it consistent with the statutory provision.
- This License is governed by and to be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, USA. All disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be finally settled under the Rules of the American Arbitration Association by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The place of Arbitration shall be New York and the Arbitration shall be conducted in English. Judgment on any award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, may bring an action or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction to seek injunctive or other equitable relief, and in this regard both and you submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of New York, USA.
- does not publicize a licensed customer list. The products provided have been tested and verified.
- This License shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon and you, and and your successors, trustees, permitted assigns and receivers but shall not inure to the benefit of any other persons.